Sunday, October 08, 2006

10-2 Bryce Canyon

Bryce Canyon National Park had the most amazing views I've ever seen! It was incredibly windy at the top of the viewpoint, so we weren't able to get Thomas to hike down among the "hoodoos" (the name for the weird rock formations found throughout the canyon). Instead, we drove the length of the park and stopped at a bunch of viewpoints and took small hikes around each area. The "Bryce" viewpoint was the most incredible-- miles and miles of beautiful pink and red rock formations. It was truly awe-inspiring!

This picture cracks me up because of the tiger in Gordon's mouth! He was so good the whole time, mostly because we let him carry his little plastic tiger and zebra, and occasionally a cookie, while we carried him around in his pack.


What a cute kid!


And, since I took so many cool pictures, here's a slideshow...

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