Chris's birthday is on October 4th and we won't see his parents again before then. So, they showered him with gifts today. He had requested a copy of the book, Ben-Hur, and they gave him one-- a first edition printed in 1880. They also gave him the Ben-Hur dvd (a classic with Charlton Heston, in case you haven't seen it) and a current edition hard copy of the book. He was thrilled!

Gordy is such a good little eater-- and how cute that he tries to use a fork!

Our cute boys in their rugby shirts. Never mind Gordon's messy face...

Jon, Emily (with baby Abigail, still cooking), Tom, Grammuh, Grampuh, Elise
Gordon and Chris

So...when exactly was the last time you had a lame weekend? You are having all sorts of fun and summer is over!
Happy Birthday Chris!
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