Sunday, September 24, 2006

Sunday Brunch

This morning we went to Salt Lake to meet Grammuh, Grampuh, Emily and Jon at the Little America Sunday Brunch. Mmmm... we love this brunch-- all you can eat deliciousness! Lots of thanks and hugs to Grampuh, who treated everyone and even took the boys out so we could finish eating. It was a fun morning!

Chris's birthday is on October 4th and we won't see his parents again before then. So, they showered him with gifts today. He had requested a copy of the book, Ben-Hur, and they gave him one-- a first edition printed in 1880. They also gave him the Ben-Hur dvd (a classic with Charlton Heston, in case you haven't seen it) and a current edition hard copy of the book. He was thrilled! 

Gordy is such a good little eater-- and how cute that he tries to use a fork!

Our cute boys in their rugby shirts. Never mind Gordon's messy face...

Jon, Emily (with baby Abigail, still cooking), Tom, Grammuh, Grampuh, Elise
Gordon and Chris
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becky ward said...

So...when exactly was the last time you had a lame weekend? You are having all sorts of fun and summer is over!

becky ward said...

Happy Birthday Chris!