Other years, I like to get a pumpkin or two, but since we were cutting it so close, I opted out for this year. I think last year's display was lovely, and I'm sure I'll do something just as porch-worthy next year. So skipping one year is okay, right? Plus, you should know that I don't actually do any of the carving, or scooping. I'll draw the faces on, but Chris is in charge of all of the gross/stinky/slimy/manually laborious stuff. I was quite impressed with Elena for scooping out her own pumpkin!
Thomas was so excited to draw his own pumpkin face this year! And look how cute!!

Here's how it looked all lit up...

This huge smiling pumpkin is Chris' standard-- I just love it, especially the built-in teeth. He's a good little pumpkin carver!

Gord's gourd (hee hee) was not drawn by him, but he did tell Chris how to do it. Eyes= "square", Nose= "triangle", and Mouth "Happy, no teeth".

And here we are with our great Jacks-o-lantern, all ready for the festivities!

I'm trying to decide if the boys are trying to look scary...Hmmm....
Just for the record, I scooped out 3 of the 4 pumpkins we did. :) Your's all turned out awesome.
Ah that looks like so much fun- and haha Tom's face...?
I love the porch shot! You all look fantastic!
What a cute family...you've done well, my friend! =)
Where is YOUR pumpkin, Elise? Way too cute, and I love the breakdown of your Halloween day.
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