I can't think of a better way to spend a perfect autumn afternoon than playing in a gigantic pile of crispy brown and yellow leaves! My boys have such a great Gramm-- not only did she slave away, raking what must be millions of leaves in her yard, but instead of bagging them up to throw away, she raked them into an enormous pile for her grandsons to enjoy.
And boy, did they enjoy!
And boy, did they enjoy!
A big bed of crunchy leaves is perfect for...
running and jumping into...

Gathering (with both hands)...
When you're tired, a tire swing serves as a perfect resting spot-- as long as you'll share with your brother!
I love the action shots! I hope you're scrapbooking these, because they're perfect pictures!! I hope you're feeling better:)
That tire swing picture is totally frame-able. You need to blow it up and put it out every Fall. Your boys are so cute--Gordon's hair cracks me up!
Sometimes, such as when I see pictures like these, it makes me wish I lived in a place that had seasons.
The leaves look lovely.
Wow! That is some pile! And some adorable pictures.
adorable kids make gorgeous photos! love the leaves, thank goodness we don't have many mature trees...i hate raking!
SO cute! And hey- next time you're in Salt Lake you should give me a call! We were just there last night!
How fun!! I am so jealous. That was always my childhood dream, but we never lived in a house that had old enough trees to produce a big leaf pile. What lucky boys and a fun grandma.
Lov Love Love your photos. The action shots are wonderful Elise!
So cute! The one of you mother-in-law is hilarious. That was a GREAT leap!! So fun! And yes, you got some frame-able ones!
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