After the game, we headed up to Idaho Falls again. My brother gave his mission report on Sunday and Chris and I, Ann-Michelle and Todd, Kristie and Todd, and my dad and Caitlan, sang a musical number and my mom accompanied. You'll have to ask Becky if it was any good! (Thanks again for coming, Beck-- you're the best!)
Kristie brought her new little dog over to my parents' house on Saturday. Gordon is in LOVE. It almost makes me want to get him a little dog-- he is just so in love with puppies! I am wishing they made little life-like robot dogs that acted just like real dogs, minus the care-taking involved. I'd be first in line.

One of my favorite parts of the weekend was meeting Becky and Elena at Chili's for our girl's night out. They really are two of the most incredible people I know, and I love that they let me hang out with them. Plus, you really can't beat Chili's chips and salsa... I want some right now!
Jake's talk on Sunday was awesome. It's always strange to see your younger siblings turn into adults. I remember Chris sharing a similar sentiment when his sister, Emily, got married. You grow up thinking of them as little kids, picking on them and bossing them around, and then all of the sudden, they turn into these amazing people who are stronger, wiser, and more mature than you ever gave them credit for. It was very touching to see the growth and wisdom that my brother gained on his mission. I felt very honored to know him, and I felt inspired by his spirit.

Now it's back to Monday and back to life. Ah, Monday-- so fun...
My funny little two-year-old has been very interested in moving things around lately. He has always been rather inventive when it comes to getting what he wants. I've found chairs and other objects pushed up to counters and tables, and opened cabinets and empty wrappers left as evidence of his mischief. Yesterday, I got a huge kick out of his newest chair-moving escapade-- a barricade!
To finish things off, I've managed to capture Gord singing his new favorite song, "I've been working on the railroad." Of course, in order to get him to sing it, I had to sing, too. It will be hard to ignore me since I'm holding the camera and louder than Gordon, but if you can try, I'd appreciate it.
Adorable videos! I love how Gord looks like he is rapping when he sings.
And your musical number at Jake's report was very lovely. I quite enjoyed it. IT was fun to see you!
I was just going to say that, Becky! He really does look like he's rapping! They are such handsome boys, Elise. =)
SO cute! Tom CRACKED me up! He's turning into a total kid, not just a little boy any more. And your disgust with his burp was too funny!!! So glad we got to see you this weekend too, and I have to say, I've been tasting my dessert all weekend. We need to do that again real soon!
We LOVE videos of your cute and entertaining boys! It's so fun for us to stay connected with you guys that way. It sounds like life if never dull in Logan!
Hahaha so good. I love watching videos of them because they have such distinct personalities! And Jake's homecoming talk was good- hooray.
My kids love that song too! I have cd that we listen to in the car with all those old songs on it! There's a hole in the bucket, etc.!
David is mesmerized by videos of Tom and Gord!
He is sooo adorable. I can't wait to see you guys in a few weeks!
hey elise! I found out I've actually had a blog since July, so yeah, pretty exciting. Hey, if you could help me really get it going that would be great! You guys did sound amazing singing "Come thou fount of every blessing" or whatever its called. Love you and talk to you soon! -allison
I love the flapping of the hands! And your little returned missionary brother is oh so cute!
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