So, neither Becky nor Elena technically tagged me, but since I'm feeling a little guilty for deserting you all for the past week, and since I know you're just dying to know more about me, I decided to combine their two tags to form this one: (you're cheering inside, I just know it) Also, just for laughs, here's a weird picture of me saying something to the person taking the picture (I think Todd Freed?) right before Chris kissed me on New Years.
10 Years Ago in January 1998, I was newly engaged. Yes, it's true. An 18-year-old freshman engaged to her freshly returned missionary. Actually, he was someone else's freshly returned missionary, but one trip to Baskin Robbins and a few precious moments on the steps of Cougar Stadium took care of that. Heh heh heh. Anyway, ten years ago I was too busy looking at the pretty rock on my finger to study for Accounting.
On my to-do list:
1. Finish up that damn laundry. Sorry, but laundry makes me swear.
2. Straighten up the kitchen before Chris gets home
3. Pack for Idaho
If I had a billion dollars...
1. Chris and I would build our dream house on a piece of property with lots of mature trees. (We already have our plans picked out and plan on building it even if the billion doesn't come to pass.)
2. Since I actually love my current little house, I would just do some upgrading-- wood floors in the kitchen, a nice patio, tile in the bathrooms, etc. Then I would rent it out or use it as guest quarters.
3. I'd hire those people from "What Not to Wear" to re-do my wardrobe.
4. Travel! First up would be Disneyland, since Thomas has realized that he wants to go, then Italy, then the rest of the world.
5. Maybe I'd save some. :)
3 Bad Habits
1. Chewing on my fingernails
2. Chewing on my lips
3. Waiting until 30 minutes before Chris comes home to clean the kitchen
3 Things you probably don't know about me...
1. I was on the dance team in high school and sometimes, when I'm by myself, I try to do some of my old moves. Don't laugh-- sometimes Chris does my old moves, too.
2. I love to eat chocolate Twizzlers. They changed them recently and I am furious.
3. I wear pajama pants every night. I can't sleep without them.
3 Jobs I've had:
1. Waitress
2. Receptionist
3. Franchise Development Specialist
3 Movies I could watch over and over:
1. Sliding Doors-- I watch it whenever I'm sick and sometimes when I'm just in the mood to watch it. It's one of my favorites of all time.
2. Sense and Sensibility. I love that Edward Ferrars and I cry every single time he tells Elinor that his brother, not he, is married to that annoying Lucy Steele. I think this has to be one of the most romantic scenes ever.
3. Drowning Mona. So funny and quirky and I'm a little bit in love with Casey Affleck. What? He does look a little bit like Chris, you know.
3 People I e-mail daily:
1. Work people
2. Friends who don't have blogs who really need to get them. Okay, so I don't e-mail them daily, but I do wish they would get blogs.
3. ?
3 Things I love to eat:
1. Peanut butter and chocolate, and Gold Medal Ribbon ice creams in a waffle cone from Baskin Robbins. Stupid Logan-- we don't have a BR here. Add that to my billionaire list-- I'd open a BR franchise!
2. Vanilla Bean Cheesecake, which I plan on making for my next dinner party, whenever we find a free weekend for that...
3. Sweet Pork salad from Costa Vida. Mmmm.
3 Places I'd rather be:
1. The Big Island, Hawaii
2. With my grandparents in South America
3. Anywhere warm-- Texas? Arizona? Vegas?
3 Places I've lived:
1. Sacramento, CA
2. Sugar City, ID
3. Lake Stevens, WA
3 Things I'm looking forward to:
1. Spring break in Panama! Our passports came this week!
2. Gordon mastering his bowels
3. Completing a 1/2 Marathon in April with Christy, Kateka, my sisters, brother, and mom
For those of you who enjoy tags, do this-- I like reading about you! For those of you who don't, that's okay, I still love you. Mwah.
I'm gonna do this!
YAY! I love to read great stuff about people. your evil laugh about Chris's ex cracked me up! I can't wait to see you tomorrow. Travel safe!
Costa Vida's sweet pork salad...pure bliss! I did this, too, so go look at my page!
Hey, I learned some things about you and I'm your own mother! I need to figure this tag thing out just like everything else. Do I just copy and paste the questions onto my blog?
yay I love tag stuff! I wanted to post something but I wasn't sure what to write. Maybe next time that happens, I'll make up my own tag thing and come up with questions I want to answer... hmm.:) Anyway- thanks! (How do you like your CD? Dirty Diana? ;) )
You are such a fun person! I love knowing you. This weekend turned out busy full. I'm not relenting on the idea that we get toghether for dinner sometime soon. Check your schedule for a weekend after February 1st. My place or yours, I'm willing to drive/host. I love drowning mona too.
I too am FURIOUS about the chocolate twizzlers!! Call Hershey's and complain and they might bring them back! (I know its a little crazy, but seriously).
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