Things that bug me:
1. People who give backhanded compliments. I know someone who is a pro at these, to the point that I sometimes wonder if she realizes how snotty she is. She's not a fool, though, so I have a feeling she is just politely condescending on purpose. It's a pretty bad sign when you accept every "compliment" with, "Um...thanks?" I'd like to think that I don't do this to people, but if you ever hear me give a backhanded compliment, you have my full permission to drop kick me.
2. Police cars pulling people over right outside my bedroom window at 3 AM, sometimes waking up the kids. We live right next to a school, so the speed limit drops suddenly from 50 to 30 and the cops love, love, love to hide out right behind our fence. I am not saying they shouldn't do their job, I just wish they would turn the lights down or something. I know, I really should invest in some light-blocking blinds.
3. Bullies. This is a big one for me today: when I picked Tommer up from school, he was sobbing next to his teacher, citing "Shae kicked me," as the reason for his tears. Now, I know that my little guy can be more sensitive than some, but it seems like he complains about this Shae and the mean things she does on a regular basis. I'm not really sure what to do about it-- the poor girl comes from a pretty wacky home and is currently being cared for by her grandmother, so I know there are some issues there. I just wish she wouldn't take it out on my kid!
4. Grocery Shopping. I don't like grocery shopping. I like food, I like cooking, I like spending money, but I don't like pushing a cart around a big store, crossing necessities off of my list (or wishing I had remembered the list), dodging the people who think standing in the aisles to chat is a good idea, and telling my children that they-better-not-fight-if-they-want-to-get-a-treat-please-be-quiet-we-are-almost-done-I-promise!
5. Buying Jeans. Don't get me wrong, I do love shopping for clothes, but for some reason, I have the worst time with jeans. I don't have a perfect body, but I also don't have any weird abnormalities, so you'd think that I would be able to find a pair that fit right. I'm 5'3", so finding the right length is a problem-- regulars are a bit too long, but petite is just a bit too short-- and that's just the beginning. One of these days, I'll come across a brand that works and stockpile.

6. Dry lips. I have the really bad habit of constantly licking, biting and chewing on my lips; consequently, they are always dry. Right now, I am really liking the C.O. Bigelow Mentha Lip Shine from Bath & Body Works, but even that goes away too quickly.
7. Trying to come up with something for dinner because I've been procrastinating #4. Let's see... "How about pancakes, guys?"
8. Misuse of apostrophes. Hey guy's, thank's for the note's. If you don't think there is anything wrong with that sentence, you need to visit this site. But don't proofread my blog or anything, okay? ;)

9. Bumper Stickers. I don't like them.
I'm tagging you: Mom, Caitlan, Ann-M, Kristie, Shannon & Ashley and anyone else who needs something new to blog about in the post-holiday doldrums. My awesome friend Becca has a whole section of her blog dedicated to things she doesn't love: Check it out!
yay i love being tagged! and i love this list haha!
This is hilarious... and a little sad at the same time.
I alos HATE buying jeans. Nothing fits just right. Grrr...
And, I agree about being one of those girls waiting in line at midnight for the 4th book...I don't think I'm going to be able to help myself.
I meant also...not alos (I'm supposed to be an editor or something...)
i laughed at the misuse of apostrophes- my name has been written ann'michelle enough that i have started saying ann dash michelle, instead of hyphen.
Grocery shopping . . . amen. I may just add that to my list of things I don't like. On the same level with grocery shopping is going to the post office. Especially with kids and large packages. Ugh.
Great, great, great! I knew you would have some funny ones. And SOOOO freaky wierd about our brain waves. What is up?!!!
I might be able to help you find out what to have for dinner, well as soon as my new blog has more entries! It should be fun!
PS I hate dry lips too. I have chapstick in every pocket I have that doesn't get washed frequently.
ME ASHLEY??? I'VE (apostrophe used correctly..) NEVER BEEN TAGGED!!! HOW FUN!
Loved reading this!
Hint-- If you movie to humid ol' Dallas, you won't have to use Chapstick or lotion anymore...
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