Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Child of Mass Destruction

It's been one of those days with Gordon. First, he spilled Tom's bowl of Trix in the living room, then meticulously went to each piece of ceral and smashed it with his little sandaled foot. My calls of "No, no, honey!" while I scrambled for the vaccuum were met with that sly little grin and a quicker hurry to smash more cereal.

Next, it was into my make-up drawer in the bathroom where Gordon discovered, tasted, then threw my face powder onto the tile floor, breaking it into a hundred pieces. At least he was interested in watching me clean it up.

And finally, after a dinner of smashed bananas and thrown (once again, what is up with this kid and his throwing habit?!?) bits of quesadilla and peas, I tore off his very messy shirt (his third of the day, by the way) and stuck him in the tub. My irritation quickly disappeared as I watched him snicker with glee as he tried to get a drink from the rapidly flowing faucet. He may be a little stinker, but at least he's clean for now!

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1 comment:

becky ward said...

I am glad to hear that Owen isn't the only that feels like he needs to throw everything! It's so fun that Gordon LOVES the water.