I have great friends! In addition to all of your sweet comments, I also got an e-mail with the recipe for a relaxing bubble bath (and yes, candles instead of electricity really is so much better!), several kind phone calls, and an e-flower from an old friend in Washington who I haven't heard from forever. You are all wonderful and I love you!
Chris has been ultra-supportive and sweet this week. We handle stress very differently-- I am very good with the day-to-day stuff, swapping schedules, arranging child care, managing the house, etc, and Chris is really great about staying calm when a bigger trial comes along. It's funny, but sometimes it takes a storm to make you realize how strong your house is. ♥
We got some cool stuff in the mail:
I ordered a small gift for someone from Eddie Bauer-- jewelry, in fact-- and the little jewelry box came in another box as big as Gordon. We got a huge kick out of it-- check it out-- Tom is holding the actual gift box, and, well, you can see the big box... too bad I can't get my kids to smile...

My snow boots came. We got a couple of days off from snow, but I hear it's coming back. This time, I'll be ready.

I have the best mother-in-law. One of my favorite things about her is that she is a great keeper of fun traditions. For as long as I can remember, we've received a fun Valentine's package from her. This year, it was an extra special treat-- the dry ingredients for yummy sugar cookies, a vintage-looking cookie cutter, Valentine's sprinkles (the boys' fave) and, my fave, Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla! YUMMY!! She is so thoughtful and the fun little package really made my day.

I received the BEST acknowledgement this week-- you might notice a new little "blinkie" in my "Creativity" section over on the side bar. Well, Andrea Burns is a designer that I absolutely love-- her style is just right up my alley (she is the one who designed the stuff my background/header is made of). Anyway, this week she e-mailed me specifically to invite me to be on her creative team! This is a huge honor, especially because usually you have to wait for a designer to put out a call, then you have to apply to be on the creative team. For her to invite me, well, let's just say that it was such a great compliment!!
And finally, at book club on Thursday, we reviewed Feel the Fear, and Do It Anyway, a self-help type book. We had a great discussion and I came away with a lot of really good ideas. I'm a fiction girl, as I have mentioned, but this week, it was kind of fun to read something that offered specific advice on living a better life.
So, all in all, I should stop complaining and just move forward-- and thanks to all of you for helping me regain perspective! ♥
That's some great perspective Elise!--I think my husband and I's relationship is a lot alike. It infuriates me when he says "everything is going to be o.k." during a big trial, because I always want to know HOW and WHEN--but he IS always right :)!
Lots of congratulations on the creative invite. What an honor!
Why don't you write a book? You are a great writer and you could illustrate it yourself, you are so dang talented!
BTW, Chris said the cookie dough is kinda moist - just knead in enough flour to make the dough firmer before you roll them out.
Finally, my advice for you? Kick butt and take names.
That box is hilarious!
Congrats on the good parts of your month!
Keep smiling, keep shining, knowing you can always count on me, for sure... that's what friends are for.
For good times, and bad times. I'll be on your side forever more...
That's what friends are for.
Chris told me about that box...and even his description didn't even explain the innappropriate box size! What a waste of cardboard!
That's hilarious about the box.
Yes, we do need to plan a movie. Christy and I were thinking homemade ice cream and a movie at my house on the 23rd. What are your thoughts?
Wow! I had no idea what kind of scrapping trouble you were getting into! :) Awesome that you're working with Manda and Andrea... Andrea is also a super talented photographer (I don't know her at all, but always see her popping up in forums to give photo advice) so, you are a lucky girl!! Super cute pages, btw. I'm glad you're posting them for all to see. I'm sorry you have been going through a rough patch but am glad you have Chris to help you out. Let us know if we can doing anything for you guys!
Haha I love the picture of Tom and Gordon- the box thing is pretty funny, but I love their faces! And I'm glad things are good! We need to come visit you! (When I get a job)
Congratulations! You really are talented, Elise--I love all your digi-creations. I wish we were neighbors so you could give me some photoshop lessons (or do you use some other software?) Anyway, glad you're feeling better, and I loved the box that the Bauer stuff came in. I guess that's one company that's not "going green" like all the others . . .
WHEW! Glad that little box made it safely to your house. LOL! So strange.... And I hope your weeks to come are better. I'm on your side!!! (Becky told me a little about the chaos.)
You are super talented! Congratulations! And that enormous box...hillarious!
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