Right after the race, I met Chris, Tom and Gordon at the rec center for Tom's Jr. Jazz game. He is getting better every week and it's so fun to watch! Tom doesn't know any of the other kids on his team, but this week they played against a team that included one of his friends from school. The two of them were hilarious to watch-- they guarded each other and basically just chased each other back and forth, giggling like crazy. Tom's team won (oops, we're not supposed to keep score-- someone tell Tom that!) because they have a future NBA player on their team. Seriously, this kid is GOOD-- I guarantee he could beat me. Tom contributed a couple of good chest passes and several great cheers.

After the game, we came home and got ready to drive up to Pocatello for Todd Flatland's 25th Birthday party. The party was awesome (pictures and details forthcoming)! Beforehand, we stopped at Red Lobster (dubbed the "Stee" by Chris-- you know, Red Lobstee, shortened) for some tasty dinner. I don't care how "chain" Red Lobster is, I love it. Those cheddar bay biscuits are awesome-- we've tried in vain to duplicate them at home.
The kids were amazingly well-behaved, and Thomas even ate some of my salmon!

The only thing missing: Red Lobster stopped serving Vanilla Bean Cheesecake. No one will ever understand it.
I love Tom's skinny little legs hanging out of those baggy basketball shorts! He's such a cute kid!!
Mmm . . . I do love those cheddar bay biscuits, too. Yummy yum yumsters.
Hey! You even look good after a 5K! We'd love to meet you at "Stee" someday and enjoy those tasty biscuits with you. And way to go Tom--trying salmon! As the mom of three picky eaters, it is a real joy to see them branch out and try something new. I think we've told you that Grampuh Gary got Sophie to eat sushi when she turned 8 and now she's a huge fan! Go figure!!!
Yes, running races with no one there does stink. Good for you, though! Coming up - Shamrock Shuffle in one month! Our half-marathon is just over two months away...doesn't that seem too soon?
I think people that run races are amazing. I may have long legs, but I can't ever get them to run fast or for very long... I must be a little bit lazy.
Congrats to you, your beanie is cute!
Way to go, Elise! 5Ks are tons of fun, but I agree that they are not much fun going alone!
I want to come to one of Tom's games!
HURRAH FOR MISS FITNESS!! I wish you lived here, because I really need someone to run the 4 mile look with me twice a week! You would kick my rear right into gear!
If only I were a runner...I'd run with you, but alas, I hate it. So I guess we'll just stick with doing dessert together. :)
You make us all proud...or put us to shame. Sounds like you had a fun and eventful weekend.
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