In case you can't tell by my monthly blog headers, I've become a big fan of digital scrapbooking. I still love my paper stuff, but the more I digi-scrap, the more I love it! In the digital scrapbooking world, designers (the people who create the paper, elements, etc) put out "calls" for people to apply for their creative teams. A member of a creative team gets all of her (or his, I suppose) supplies from that designer for free and in return, creates pages (or layouts) to post on digital scrapping sites as a form of advertising. Since I'm pretty green to this world, I hadn't applied for any creative teams-- frankly, I felt really intimidated when I saw some of the amazing work that the creative teams produce. But, a few weeks ago, a designer that I really like posted a call for creative team members, so I thought, "why not?" and I applied. Well, (drumroll)....
I was invited to join the MandaBean Creative Team! I am so excited!
I made this page today with a darling kit called
Darling Deery:
Very nice. I love how you call them sugars. It's so cute.
Way to go, Elise! How cool that you were picked! See you soon....
Nice work, and congratulations! Your page is adorable.
Hooray! Your crazy talent is going to be famous!! We are excited for you! A-M
Wow! That's so exciting! You'll have to post a link to their gallery (or wherever they post your pages!) Now I'm jealous!
That is such a cute scrapbook page. I'm trying to learn how to do that!
How exciting! I agree with Holly on the jealous part!
Congratulations! I'm just surprised it took them this long to find you!
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