Anyway, I'm just itching for Spring and getting outside with my stir crazy children and breathing non-inversion air. Come on, March!
The weekend before last, Jake, Caitlan and their friend, Doug, came up to Logan to visit us. I love having visitors, especially when they're my fun siblings. It's always fun to hear Jake and Chris joke around. Lucky for our visitors, Saturday night was Tom's "Monster Concert". The concert is performed by all of the Youth Conservatory students-- literally, at the same time. On Tom's piece, for example, there were 16 pianos with two students on each bench, plus 6 keyboards. They all play the same song at the same time. It's kind of cool, but not a solo event. I joked that Thomas could have avoided playing his song altogether and no one would have noticed. Really, though, he had practiced for months and did a fantastic job. In fact, I get "Russian Wedding Dance" stuck in my head on a regular basis. Dum dum, da dum dum, da dum dum dum...
Anyway, here we are before the big performance at Kent Concert Hall. Isn't Tommer a cute lil' bugger?
In between the music numbers, which were really cool, they had an ongoing skit about a monster trying to win a million dollars. Neil had the right idea.
The concert was held on the same night as an Aggie game and before they started, the announcer said something about trying to keep the show short so that fans could watch the game. Chris said, in a not-so-quiet voice, "Please let it be so!" I gave him a little slug in the arm.
Our guests didn't leave until Sunday night, so we had plenty of time to hang out, eat, and play games. My never-ending pile of laundry was neglected, but it was worth it.
This last weekend, we braved the snow and went to Salt Lake. Our first stop was the Clarke Planetarium, where I pulled out my camera to take a picture and realized that the batteries were dead. Lame. Nevertheless, we had a great time. Chris's parents were kind enough to watch the boys-- all three of them!-- so Chris and I could go out for dinner with Jake and his date on Valentine's Day. This is the first time Neil has been without one parent or the other for more than 30 minutes, but he was pretty good. I have to say, it was fabulous to be baby-less for an evening! We went to Gepetto's in Holladay, ran into some old friends from Washington, ate really tasty pizza, and generally had a great time.
On Sunday, Gary and Marilyn treated us to Sunday Brunch. The boys were well-behaved and the food was amazing and I probably gained a few pounds. Again, totally worth it.
Now, we're back to life, school, laundry, and the Logan snow. Maybe I should get into snow-shoeing or something, so I can better appreciate this chilly weather.
This afternoon, Gordon was playing around and said he was a knight. He asked me, "Do knights wear black undies?"
I thought this was funny/random until I talked to Chris and learned that earlier, he and Gordon were watching Monty Python clips on YouTube, in particular the clip where the black knight gets his limbs cut off. Mmm, glad that's emblazoned on my three-year-old's brain. Nice.
One more thing-- for you digital scrappers, I've got a couple of new freebies on my blog! Yay for free! I'm participating in a designer challenge for the next few weeks, so check back each Monday (or, ahem, Wednesday) for my latest digi gifts. Mwa!